Wednesday, 13 April 2011

more info

Well, I have already told you that I'm a vet student, why did i choose it, maybe cause I like the animal's way to live, talking especifically in their freedom to move. No restrictions but to eat, sleep and some other things. They make their own way of life. But wait, don´t belive I dont have anything more to talk about. I'm a fan of history too, the way we have battled aganist forces that maybe we can't handle directly, but we create the way to do so.
But this is not what i want to tell you now. I want tell you studing veterinary is something interesting, if you like biology, chemistry, and over all the animals this carrer could be what you really want.
At last, if I like the university where I am. Well it is a good place to stay, full of animals and near the coutry area.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

the way

Hello everybody, I'm a vet student from Chile and this is a blog to write about the begining of my "adult" life.
You may wander ¿Why this guy titled its blog with travel?, well that's because this is one and the most impotant aspiration I have by the moment.